Putting an Auxiliary hydraulic pump for loader on a 135


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I have a 1967 MF 135 that has a loader and is SO slow. I would like to add a hydraulic pump for just the loader. I looked at the front casting, and there is no machined surfaces for a SAE 2 hydraulic pump to mount on the front of the engine. I would have to make adapter plates. I was thinking, could I mount a hydraulic pump on the side of the engine and belt to it?
I have a 1967 MF 135 that has a loader and is SO slow. I would like to add a hydraulic pump for just the loader. I looked at the front casting, and there is no machined surfaces for a SAE 2 hydraulic pump to mount on the front of the engine. I would have to make adapter plates. I was thinking, could I mount a hydraulic pump on the side of the engine and belt to it?
Just to give you an idea of front pump mounting on a 135, this clip is of the mounting for the pump on a 135 in the model 232 loader parts book. You need the main bracket shown, which bolts up to the front support, to mount the pump to. You will need the pump drive parts from the crank pulley to the pump. Also, if your tractor doesn't have the "hollow" front axle pin for the pump drive shaft to run through, you will need to change that (you may need to change the axle bushing at the same time). You may want to search salvage yards for the correct parts as if the pump and shaft are not in line wear will be excessive and lead to early failures.


As for belt driving a pump for a loader. From having been around some belt driven pumps, I don't think you will be satisfied with the results unless you run the pump on at least two belts separate from the existing engine belt(s). If you were thinking of just adding a pump into the current belt run it will slip more than pump. JMHO.

Not trying to scare you off from doing it, just trying to show you things that are involved in having it right when you are done.
As Jim says, it will take at least a dedicated double belt drive for a pump. And a pump that can handle the side stress on its shaft. If you start figuring out how you do that on the front of the crankshaft, you might just as well figure out a way to fabricate the pump mount and a drive shaft and it will work much better than a belt drive. I built mine from scratch for a 101 Jr. and most of my fab time was making sure it was straight, and the driveshaft ran true and centered on the pump. steve

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