Red and yellow painted gas caps on H JD's Are they correct?

I have seen a few H as well as B and A's with the gas caps painted red and even seen one that was yellow. The yellow one seemed to have been painted a long time ago as it was faded and looked original. I was wondering if there was any proof they came this way or if owner preference only. What's the opinions on this?Why would they use red anyways?
Red would mean danger. The gas caps are painted red and the distillate caps are green. Small tanks are gas on duel fuel tractors.
None were painted yellow.
Original likely were just like out of the package bare metal zinc plated.

I like to paint mine red color codeing them like modern tractors.
I have a hand start 1945 model A. It has the small about a gallon tank which is closest to the steering wheel and in front of that tank is another tank maybe 10 gallons. So...The cap on the big tank should be painted red and the cap on the smaller tank this correct? Thanks.
Ray, it's actually the opposite. The main (fuel) tank cap was originally green and the starting (gasoline) tank cap was red. Mike
At one time replacement caps and some other parts from Deere came painted yellow. I suspect it was the same yellow primer they used to use on tractors. Someone just didn't bother to paint the yellow replacement cap.

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