Regular Wheel

Straw Boss

Well-known Member
I'm in need of a match to this front wheel for a Farmall Regular. Anybody know of one that's available at a fair price? It doesn't need to be in great shape, just want to get the old girl back up on all fours for an upcoming event. Thanks. Email is open.
No sir. Wouldn't even know where to find a 10-20 to go look at one.
Maybe somebody on here already knows if it's the same.
I've been told a wheel from a F-20 is a little different but close enough?
Thanks for the idea.
I bought a Regular with weld-on Rotted out tire rims and had a Metal Fab shop roll some rings and made my own steel wheels. I think they turned out pretty good? Not the easiest way to go and I am sure they cost way to much in time and effort? It helped too have proper hubs to start with but if I did it again I would probably go with new Rims on try to find some old implement steel wheels for rings.Cleddy

Thanks for the idea but I don't have the hubs.
I have beyond repair F&H aftermarket wheels with round spokes and rubber tires.
I like the look of the original wheels on steel so can't use them.

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