Removing a Spindle from a John Deere L Front Axle

If there is a ball bearing groove up in that cup-like piece, it is the upper half of the thrust bearing. There would be another half of the race, slid over the spindle shaft (or machined into the top of the spindle) and a set of well-greased ball bearings set in between them. Both sides would have them, and that might account for there being washers on one spindle, to replace the missing parts. Steve
I have the parts breakdown but the breakdown and list of parts does not show good drawings of the parts and does not show the order of where they go on the spindle. My tractor had been partially taken apart by the former owner and parts were removed that I do not have. I was hoping there was a diagram of what pieces are used in what order.
Also, the two sides of my axle are different: One has a cup like piece on the bottom of the axle shaft just below the bottom bushing. The other side does not have this part. The bottom of the spindle fits nicely into this cup-like part. I need to know what that part is called. Photos are attached. The cup-like part is dirty/greasy but you can still see the detail that is missing from the other side.

Thanks for the help. I apologize that this is tedious.
View attachment 94457View attachment 94458
In talking with the Ridenours who specialize in "L" tractors, I think that the shoulder bushing on top of the steering tube is fine as well as the sleeve bushing on the bottom of the steering tube. My only issue is the cup bearing (not actually a bearing) on the bottom of the steering tube. The spindle seats into this cup. The cup appears to be pressed into the bottom of the steering tube. Here are some photos. I cleaned up the steering tube and spindle to make them easier to see.
As you can see, one side of the steering tube has the cup intact. The other side of the steering tube does not have the cup intact. The cup is not available for sale anywhere that I can find. I do not understand why one of the steering tubes has the cup and one does not. Evidently, when the previous owner took apart the tractor, they lost it or it was damaged. It appears that I need to make one. Anyone have one that I can use as a pattern?
There are no bearings on my "L" in the steering tube or on the spindle. There are just bushings or sleeves and the Ridenours confirmed that to me. It appears that the part I need is 7250 R- Bearing Cup or 647 T Lower Spindle Bushing, Dust Shield. I am not sure about these numbers since the book does not have clear representations of the parts.
It would be nice to have an order of install diagram with part numbers shown.
Thank you,


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