Repairing Farmall H case - chunk missing

(quoted from post at 02:31:38 11/21/23) Or put a stud in, and epoxy over the whole thing. Pretty easy to screw a nut on the stud and finish it off with a file and a little epoxy on the top to look just like a bolt.
That is a good idea. The bolt still had to be turned to remove it from what is left of the casting.

If the O.P. Is worried about how much torque it might take to pull the stud out, he could, install the stud and epoxy. Then down towards the end of the stud, cross drill thru the epoxy, stud and remaining cast iron and then install a spring pin.
Then the stud would not turn out.
I agree with redtom. You already got the
guts out that will have to be put back.
Might as well get a different case from
salvage yard. If you go to a 'get it
yourself' yard, you could probably save
some work by choosing a donor tractor that
has already been picked over but the case
is still there.

I know you only really need a cosmetic fix
here, or maybe not even that. Could probly
be just fine to go back together without
that one bolt. But the truth is, I don't
think I'd use parts like that on a nut and
bolt restore. Especially as common as H
parts are in salvage yards.
If your going to do it right, you might as
well get it right.

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