Replacing damaged louvers on Loewen combine sieve


I need to replace some damaged louvers on my IH 1420 combine Loewen sieve. I've got the replacement louvers (they have to be cut to fit), and also some extra of the square shafts, bushings, etc.

I was wondering how to get the square shafts out. The louvers seem to be attached pretty snugly to the square shaft. I've tried a vise grip on the end of the shaft, and hitting it with a hammer, but doesn't seem to budge.

Is this the only way to get these out? Or is there some "trick" to doing this? Any advice appreciated!


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I need to replace some damaged louvers on my IH 1420 combine Loewen sieve. I've got the replacement louvers (they have to be cut to fit), and also some extra of the square shafts, bushings, etc.

I was wondering how to get the square shafts out. The louvers seem to be attached pretty snugly to the square shaft. I've tried a vise grip on the end of the shaft, and hitting it with a hammer, but doesn't seem to budge.

Is this the only way to get these out? Or is there some "trick" to doing this? Any advice appreciated!
IIRC, the "louvers" are spot welded to the "shafts" and multiple times.
IIRC, the "louvers" are spot welded to the "shafts" and multiple times.

I'll have to check them again, I couldn't see any obvious spotwelds. And I'm wondering why AI sells replacement shafts and louvers if they can't be replaced.

I am calling Loewen Monday and asking them about this. Was thinking I may need to cut the shafts to get them out ?
No way I can see how to get these shafts out to replace the louvers, despite the claim from the manufacturer that they are "repairable" and they sell parts.

The sieves are made by Loewen, but everything is sold through AI. These sieves have both "long" and "short" louvers. However AI only sells the "long" ones, which they say you need to "cut to fit". But the problem with that is the louvers have small relief notches on the ends, to clear the blue plastic bushings that hold the shafts in the frame. Virtually impossible to "cut to fit" properly.

I wanted to call Loewen about this, but they don't even have a number listed. I called AI, and they were clueless. "We only sell the parts", I was basically told. And really--why should they care? They sold the part, got their money. That's all that matters.

Just another example of how support for small farmers and older machinery is virtually non-existent today.
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You don't care about the old louvers right? Cut them off.

If you're trying to save the shafts you can carefully slice along their length with a cutoff wheel on a grinder. If you're replacing the shafts as well, use a sawzall to cut the shafts off flush with the framework and take each louver out in pieces. From a time standpoint probably worth the money to replace the shaft.

Don't see anything "impossible" about cutting to fit. Angle grinder with a cutoff disc and nibble the little notch out.

Of course A&I doesn't know and it's more than a little unfair to blame them. The person you talked to is a phone answerer, not an experienced mechanic, AND they have thousands upon thousands parts that people expect them to be "experts" on. Their job is to handle problems with orders not know how to work on 50 year old equipment. The knowing how to work on 50 year old equipment is your job.
Of course A&I doesn't know and it's more than a little unfair to blame them. The person you talked to is a phone answerer, not an experienced mechanic, AND they have thousands upon thousands parts that people expect them to be "experts" on. Their job is to handle problems with orders not know how to work on 50 year old equipment. The knowing how to work on 50 year old equipment is your job.

But isn't a very large part of their market aimed at "50 year old equipment"? And even if the person taking the order doesn't know and isn't expected to know "the answer"---shouldn't they have some people in their support department at least, who can give advice? Beyond just "make it fit"?

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