Anybody on here ever replace a front seal in a reversotourque? I have aquired a 1600 industrial and it works great, just leaks trans
fluid out of the RT pretty bad. Just seems to leak when running. As far as I can see its coming from the front of the unit not the back,
so I am assuming there is some kind of seal on the input shaft that needs replacing? It drives fine so hoping its a cheap fix other than
pulling engine and RT out? OR could there be something else leaking trans fluid other than a shaft seal?
fluid out of the RT pretty bad. Just seems to leak when running. As far as I can see its coming from the front of the unit not the back,
so I am assuming there is some kind of seal on the input shaft that needs replacing? It drives fine so hoping its a cheap fix other than
pulling engine and RT out? OR could there be something else leaking trans fluid other than a shaft seal?