Rocker Pivot Bushing - 8N


When looking over the rear mount for the rocker on my recently acquired 8N, I noticed a bushing inside the housing the pivot pin passes through. Though I'm new to the 8N, I'm pretty confident this busing isn't original as I can't find it on the parts diagram nor have I seen this busing in any photos, and I've looked at a lot of them. The unit is an early 50's model so I believe it uses the short pin that only fits though the inner mounting ears. The bushing has a slight shoulder on one side, no shoulder on the other end, is split along the entire length and is made of steel. Please see the attached photo, the bushing shoulder can just be seen inside the red circle. Has anyone seen this before?

I've fiddled around with it a bit and clearly it's going to be a real challenge to remove. I've lubricated it liberally with penetrating oil, applied reasonable heat on the housing and using a drift from the left side I haven't been able to get it to move, at all. Suggestions regarding removal would be helpful at this point!

I'm not familiar with 8Ns either but this is what the TE-20 has on it. It's a pin not a bolt. There are other differences as well. Maybe someone with an 8N will chime in.
When looking over the rear mount for the rocker on my recently acquired 8N, I noticed a bushing inside the housing the pivot pin passes through. Though I'm new to the 8N, I'm pretty confident this busing isn't original as I can't find it on the parts diagram nor have I seen this busing in any photos, and I've looked at a lot of them. The unit is an early 50's model so I believe it uses the short pin that only fits though the inner mounting ears. The bushing has a slight shoulder on one side, no shoulder on the other end, is split along the entire length and is made of steel. Please see the attached photo, the bushing shoulder can just be seen inside the red circle. Has anyone seen this before?

I've fiddled around with it a bit and clearly it's going to be a real challenge to remove. I've lubricated it liberally with penetrating oil, applied reasonable heat on the housing and using a drift from the left side I haven't been able to get it to move, at all. Suggestions regarding removal would be helpful at this point!

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If you want to remove it a air hammer will walk it out no problem. You will need to make a bushing/slug to fit it and use a hammer bit in your air hammer/chissle gun. John Smith and I have both posted a pix of this process.
It it's original, I'm not intending to remove it. Though it looks original, what confused me was according to the parts catalog, the longer yoke pin (486-A) that passes through all four mounting lugs was used before serial number 237337. My 8N is over 18,000 serial numbers later so I surmised the shorter, larger diameter pin (486-B) was used which only passes through the two center lugs. I also don't think the shorter pin will pass through the bushing, that's what started this research.

Thanks for the responses, you answered my question.
The pin that JMOR posted went thru the "bushing". There is a bracket that pin went thru that was used for Dearborn sickle mower.

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