RTU engine questions.


I have been cleaning up parts of an engine of a RTU I have disassembled. Starting to make a parts list for all the gaskets and such. Are the felts on the
U-shaped oil tube in the cylinder block available or even necessary? Most of mine are in rough shape or missing. Also the head is fairly well pitted.
Normally I would plain it In this condition. But it doesnt look like its possible to plain the head because of the bumps for the combustion chamber. so
Ill probably clean it up as best as possible and put it back on the engine. Does anybody have experience with this? Always looking for advice so I
dont have to do things twice. Thanks Dale
The felt doesn't really seem to be overly necessary. Most are missing by now. It just helps how the oil drops from the nails to the valves. In 5,000 hours it might help a little with wear of valve train but you probably won't ever be putting that kind of hours on it. Could use small pieces of felt and mechanics wire if you choose too. The head gasket surface is fairly forgiving, especially with the newer Fel-Pro composite style head gaskets. As long as your fire ring sealing area isn't pitted you should be safe. Copper coat wouldn't hurt either to avoid seepage. If pitting is really severe or questionable, assuming it is an RE226C casting cylinder head, it is worth about what it weighs in scrap, so a better replacement would be readily available if need be.
On the felts I'm assuming you re talking about the oil filter housing?
If so you can buy a replacement cartridge from Welters that will replace them. This is important as it is the only filtering the oil will get.

I set the engine blocks back on the crank case and made a head gasket out of gasket material, just to test the water jackets. I filled up the blocks and
head with water doesnt seem have any leaks. I might try and rig something up to put some air pressure up to about 10 pounds and see if it leaks. I
think Ill run the blocks the way they are and not worry about the felt. Thanks for the input.
Tom the felt I am referring to are on the oil lines that lubricate the valves. Its kind of a funny set up. They drive nails in the oil line so that the oil leaks on the valves. These RTU engines are a whole different animal!
I will try and send a picture or two I havent been having much luck. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.I can get the photos to upload on the upload photos spot at the bottom of the page,but when I go to preview the photos arent there.

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