Running a grain grinder off of a Super 55 with a PTO belt pulley

super 55

Well-known Member
Whonnock BC
I have a Super 55 with the belt pulley assembly that works off of the PTO. I would like to hook up my Stover model 3514 G grain grinder that has an 8" pulley. I have to admit I have only used the 3 point on my tractor and never used the PTO. Would that set up work for grinding corn into corn meal? Any idea of the RPM on the pulley mounted on the PTO? Is there a speed reduction?
Keep in mind that these were originally powered by hand crank, and they have Babbitt bearings so maybe a smaller power source would be appropriate. Like a 1/2 HP motor. You can run a v-belt on the flat pulley if need be.
Keep in mind that these were originally powered by hand crank, and they have Babbitt bearings so maybe a smaller power source would be appropriate. Like a 1/2 HP motor. You can run a v-belt on the flat pulley if need be.
How about a hit and miss engine? I have never had one, but there's always a first time.

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