S/N tag rivets


I removed the serial number tags from the engine and the tractor. Now Im trying to drill out the rivets. Them things must be made of titanium. I went uptown and got some new drillbits and they dont even touch the rivets. Anybody else have trouble drilling them out? I got the drill bits up at Fleet Farm. Im hoping theres another source for better drill bits. The bits I had laying around the shop didnt do any better. Maybe after Im done painting the tractor I will just epoxy the tags back on.
There are bits that are made of titanium. You could maybe try one of those, if you haven't already.
In the defense plant I worked in, we had a guy who specialized in removing broken drill bits, taps and other hard items (the rivets you are trying to remove are hardened steel that standard drill bits can't cut). His primary tool was an electrical discharge machine which basically eroded away the broken part with a sparking electrode in a coolant solution. Carbide drills will theoretically work but are so brittle as to generally make them impractical. As has been already suggested, a more practical alternative is to drill new holes in a new location.
Thats a good idea. Never thought of that. All I have to move over is the width of the rivet. I will give that a try. Thanks for the idea.

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