Saw a nice original 9N Ford today


Barron County Wi
A neighbor who is 85 years old, that I had never met before stopped by here last week as he knew I hauled gravel. I hauled a load for him today and he wanted to show me his tractor. It was a 9N ford in very good condition. It was bought in 1944 (War years, lucky to get a tractor) It was his Grandpa's tractor, then the guys father had it. Been in the same family since 1944. I have lived in this area for 6 years, so I don;t know everyone.
A neighbor who is 85 years old, that I had never met before stopped by here last week as he knew I hauled gravel. I hauled a load for him today and he wanted to show me his tractor. It was a 9N ford in very good condition. It was bought in 1944 (War years, lucky to get a tractor) It was his Grandpa's tractor, then the guys father had it. Been in the same family since 1944. I have lived in this area for 6 years, so I don;t know everyone.
It's neat to find one of the N's in decent original paint. My grandpa had a really nice looking 8N when I was a kid & it was the first tractor I learned on. Hauling the little red trailer over to the apple tree to clean up the apples was an honor at age six. The trailer I have now & the 8N is long gone. Still have all the manuals for it & the equipment.


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