Sears and robuck manure spreader parts

Thinking that may be a David Bradley? For some reason I seem to remember that Sears sold under that name. I have one also I think - but we converted it to a firewood wagon around 1975. Its hauled hundreds of cords of wood since then and is still functional, although the last few years I skid the trees right to the back yard and process them there, then haul the cordwood to the shed in a JD yard trailer.
Best I can recommend is that you post an ad in the marketplace listing specifically what you need. Maybe someone will happen across the ad and just happen to have what you're looking for.

Be descriptive about the parts, don't list just part numbers. Most people will just have an old junk spreader laying in the weeds, not an inventoried parts list of what they have.

Manure spreaders just don't seem to make it to tractor salvage yards. There's usually not enough of them left to salvage so they get scrapped or end up as wood wagons.
Thinking that may be a David Bradley? For some reason I seem to remember that Sears sold under that name. I have one also I think - but we converted it to a firewood wagon around 1975. Its hauled hundreds of cords of wood since then and is still functional, although the last few years I skid the trees right to the back yard and process them there, then haul the cordwood to the shed in a JD yard trailer.
Yes it would be a David Bradley and they made 3 different models, 2 tractor spreaders and one horse spreader, The smaller ones a 70 bushel size and I forget the size of the larger one or if it was a PTO powered one at that time.
Looking for parts for 1952 sears and robuck manure spreader Model number 917.5761.
What parts do you need? Shafts, chains and sprockets can probably be replaced by generic parts, sheet metal, frame and other parts can be fabbed by a welding and machine shop.
What parts do you need? Shafts, chains and sprockets can probably be replaced by generic parts, sheet metal, frame and other parts can be fabbed by a welding and machine shop.
The smaller spreaders were wood bodied, the larger were steel. with one model a PTO spreader

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