select o speed transmission oil seals


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Does anyone know where a select o speed transmission output shaft oil seal be purchased? I have the oil seal for the pto shaft
The part number is 37707 for all S-O-S transmissions except for the one in the 6000. That 37707 part number should be available from any New Holland dealer.The one for the 6000 is C0NN7048D, and that one shows as no longer being available.
The part number is 37707 for all S-O-S transmissions except for the one in the 6000. That 37707 part number should be available from any New Holland dealer.The one for the 6000 is C0NN7048D, and that one shows as no longer being available.
Thanks!! Sean
Does anyone know where a select o speed transmission output shaft oil seal be purchased? I have the oil seal for the pto shaft
If you can't get one from NH, or you fall out of your chair when they give you the price, you can almost always buy a CR seal after measuring the dimensions.

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