Show pictures from the American Thresherman show in Pinckneyville, IL

Looking at these pics, now I don't feel so bad about my CA's not being painted to perfection. Lots of original working tractors here.
Great pictures as usual. I remember your pictures years ago when I was here. Seems I also remember you from the Allis forum, or maybe it was there, that I remember. Any way Thank you....James
Great pictures as usual. I remember your pictures years ago when I was here. Seems I also remember you from the Allis forum, or maybe it was there, that I remember. Any way Thank you....James
Yes James, still on the Allis Forum too, if you click the “Googlephotos” on the top left of those pictures, it will bring you to my main page, on the left index you can go to all my album, many of the past shows I’ve been fortunate to attend are there to enjoy, along with some of my toys
Mike, I was glad our paths crossed there, it was good to visit with you and your son!
It was a great show!


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