Site specific search engine and my Super 55 put to work

super 55

Well-known Member
Whonnock BC
Hello everyone, I could have sworn there used to be a site search engine here on YTMag. It could be here and I am looking in the wrong place. Sometimes I try to look up some subjects
that I know were posted on google, but I don't see a way to search them here on the site. They are mostly maintenance topics. For example, I was looking for info on the correct
engine oil filter for my Super 55 diesel. But also like to know the recommended transmission oil and hydraulic oil and hydraulic filter. It's sometimes a challenge to find items
locally and I need a head start on finding them before I do work. I have gotten in the habit of printing off postings that I think I will need in the future. By the way, here is a
picture of my Super 55 spreading gravel. I had a lot of help getting that tractor back in shape from you guys who post, Korves, Kent Gordon, O'Brien County Implement(they had the
external control), Everson Equipment in Everson, WA who rebuilt the engine had a parts tractor, and my local AGCO Vanderwal Equipment here in Maple Ridge, BC.
Super 55 photo

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