Sleeve height taller than old one on 1066


Bought a A &I kit for a IH 1066 and the sleeves are taller than original
ones taken out, like .010 taller any ideas what direction to go?? I’m
thinking a different sleeve assembly fro else where but we got these
things that are too high
After you make certain they are indeed out .010. Then someone has some explaining to do.
But before you do that. A few questions.

Did you check sleeve protrusion with just the sleeve and no o-rings?

If you installed the o-rings prior and then installed the sleeves are you measuring the protrusion with the sleeve clamped in?
The sleeve protrusion on these engines is .002 to .005, generally with the adjacent sleeve no more than .001 different from the next one.
I am just wondering if we are talking about the flange height or the fire ring height. Fire ring will be well above block but not as high as thickness of head gasket compressed.
I would measure from the bottom of the seat ledge to the top of the sleeve on both the new and old sleeves. Then I would look for any old shims under the old sleeves in the block ledge the sleeves set on. If the sleeves measure the same or within a .001 then The issue of shims under the sleeves needs to be looked at. If none with sleeve just set in there with land for sleeve all cleaned up and no o-rings check height. If still way off then either the sleeves need to go back or the counter bore needs to be cut. if the counter bore is not square and clean it may need to be cut a bit to clean it up to seal right. Then would need to be checked for deck height and shimmed accordingly. This will be with sleeves clamped down with a bar across the sleev bolted to the block.
Liner shims were only used once the block counter bore became too deep on an overhaul to keep the sleeve protrusion out far enough. It would have been done at a shop or in frame with a special cutter to bring all the counter bores to the same depth and then shims would be used to get the protrusion correct.
Update the head gasket the shop ordered was too thin, ordered a Felpro one and was thicker and was installed and tractor runs great now, so moral of the story buy better gaskets not cheapies
Brings me back to the question, were you refering to the fire dam on sleeve or the flange height. Totally different and when you say thickness of head gasket made a difference leads me to believe it was the fire dam which usually protrudes .035 to .045. over block..
You are right it was the taller fire dam on the sleeves, it was on a neighbor's tractor and I did not look at it at first but seen it before the new head gasket got installed

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