Solid or perforated unloading auger tube


Doing some winter maintenance on the 4420 and thinking about replacing the unloading auger and tube. It appears the current tube as perforations although prior owner seems to have taped them up. Online I can see there is an option for solid. What is the advantage/use of one over the other? We do mainly small grains like wheat/oats and beans.
Doing some winter maintenance on the 4420 and thinking about replacing the unloading auger and tube. It appears the current tube as perforations although prior owner seems to have taped them up. Online I can see there is an option for solid. What is the advantage/use of one over the other? We do mainly small grains like wheat/oats and beans.
Some like to employ a perforated unload auger to get some more fines out of corn and dirt out of beans. I never liked dumping them in one spot. My conventional Gleaners used to have a screened bottom on the cleaning shoe which worked really nicely for the same purpose. Could replace the elevator clean out covers with a screen also.
Doing some winter maintenance on the 4420 and thinking about replacing the unloading auger and tube. It appears the current tube as perforations although prior owner seems to have taped them up. Online I can see there is an option for solid. What is the advantage/use of one over the other? We do mainly small grains like wheat/oats and beans.
The advantage was removing fines (i.e. dirt and dust) from beans. very important in edible beans. In small grains, they usually had a solid cover that you install over the perforated section.
Appreciate the information! If I do replace the tube & auger will probably go with solid since we don't do edible beans and then as Bob noted, maybe replace the clean out covers with perforated. Auger shells sure a pricey (but then again what isn't these days!!!!!). Thank you again!

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