spark plugs for 1917 D Universal ?


Well-known Member
We were visiting friends of ours and their neighbor has close to 100 tractors in his shed. Most of the them are Lanz but he has a 1917 Moline Plow 4 cylinder. Poking around on line, I think it is a Universal D. He is stuck because he can't find spark plugs for it. Any idea what would fit ? Most of his plugs are broken off so the numbers are not readable.
I don’t know what size thread they are and I don’t know how original he wants to keep it, but there are adapters to take the original thread down to a modern plug. This would at least get him running. I think I found mine thru Ream Manufacturing. The depth of the plug in the head is the same.
Loren said that he found a Champion 31 in a tool box and was running Champion 24s in his tractor. It was very nice of him to take time to help out some random guy on the internet.

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