spark plugs for perkins gas


New User
Good afternoon, Im searching for info on which is the correct (recommended) spark plug for the mf135 with the perkins gas engine.

Im currently running what I believe is an autolite 55. it has 14mm threads and thread length is aprox. 3/4".

when I went to buy new plugs, naturally the numbers were different---but the new plugs had aprox. 3/8" thread length.

I havent been able to find my manual so I thought Id ask for help. most of the aftermarket places sell a plug the fits the 4 cyl continental but Im finding little on the perkins, thanks for any answers
(quoted from post at 18:15:45 10/02/23) Good afternoon, Im searching for info on which is the correct (recommended) spark plug for the mf135 with the perkins gas engine.

Im currently running what I believe is an autolite 55. it has 14mm threads and thread length is aprox. 3/4".

when I went to buy new plugs, naturally the numbers were different---but the new plugs had aprox. 3/8" thread length.

I havent been able to find my manual so I thought Id ask for help. most of the aftermarket places sell a plug the fits the 4 cyl continental but Im finding little on the perkins, thanks for any answers

Welcome to the Forums.

You have a bird in the hand. If the old plugs were working, I would cross the part number to another brand if I didn't want the Autolites, not rely on an application list. I believe the older 3 cylinder 152 Perkins engines used the short reach (3/8'') plugs. There was a head design change, and they went to a 3/4'' reach plug. Apparently, your tractor has newer engine/head. If you want, you can do some web searching and find the engine serial number (not the tractor serial number) where that change took place. A parts store should be able to cross the Autolite number you have been running to the brands they carry. Using an NGK cross reference chart, I find the Autolite 55 crosses to an NGK BP5ES (7832) plug. Your parts store should be able to confirm or get a brand you prefer. The Massey Ferguson part number, in the 135 parts book, is 834236M1 for the ''long neck'' sparkplug.

This post was edited by Jim.ME on 10/02/2023 at 04:41 pm.

Thanks Jim for the information. As for the head design---its a 74 tractor, in 2001 I had a massey dealer rebuild the engine (as needed), I do remember it had something done to the head ( replaced or resurfaced--something) but too long ago, I just dont remember. I do know that the plugs that are in it were put there by that dealer when it was rebuilt (long reach)----Ive had it to a local dealer for tune up and service twice in those 20 years-(it only has about 500 hours on it)---and yesterday (because of poor customer service on their part) I decided to do a tune up myself. The first thing I found--first thing was the original plugs-( I know that because I completely repainted the tractor in 2007, and these plugs have the silverish engine paint on them). With your information and the mf part number, that will help, thanks again.

Additional information------just in case anyone is interested----I took the MF number that was given to me in this post, called a dealer that I believe I can trust, he crossed the MF part number (834236m1) to the current Agco part number (79001653), then told me that those numbers cross to an Autolite 295 plug. According to the partsman that autolite plug can easily be found at auto parts stores. So, Im on my way into town to find out!!!!
(quoted from post at 11:25:19 10/03/23)
Additional information------just in case anyone is interested----I took the MF number that was given to me in this post, called a dealer that I believe I can trust, he crossed the MF part number (834236m1) to the current Agco part number (79001653), then told me that those numbers cross to an Autolite 295 plug. According to the partsman that autolite plug can easily be found at auto parts stores. So, Im on my way into town to find out!!!!

Good luck. What I see, using the online parts book, is that 79001653 is the replacement for the 834230M1, short reach plug. The replacement for the 832346M1, the long reach plug is 832346V1. As I said before, take one of the old ones to the parts store with you, a bird in the hand.

Once again Jim, thank you for the numbers
You are correct, the agco number I was given (as well as the autolite 295 number) are incorrect (for me) as they are short thread plugs.

When my engine was rebuilt, as I mentioned the mf dealer installed the autolite 55, and an autolite 65. the 55 and the 65 are same size, heat range but the 65 is a resistor plug.
Autozone didnt have the 295 and couldnt get it, the same as the 55, couldnt get it------but he did have a shelf full of 65's.

Bottom line to this story is if you want an autolite plug with a long thread, you can get the 65 (the store I went to also didnt have the ngk plug you mentioned Jim!!???
So, the tractor is running smooth and jumped to life quickly like it hasnt done in 2 or 3 years. Im done with plugs!!!!!!

Next is rebuild the carb-----supposedly I have the correct carb, kit------ we shall see!!!
I am going to investigate the head design change thing just for my own info.

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