spark plugs ?

I have used NGK plugs for years in motorcycles. When I got my 2 trucks,they had NGK plugs that I didn't know the age or mileage. I changed them after a few years and the ones that I took out were still good. They have been in the trucks for 15 years now with no problems,but I have checked them a couple of times. I have Champion H-10c plugs in my 9n,but have a set of NGKs if they go bad.
Thanks for all the great responses . I going to leave the Autolite 216 in for now because the tractor starts prefect if they start to fail in any wayill come back to this post with an update. Once again thanks all your great.
While we are on this subject, I have a question. How does a spark plug go bad? There's no moving parts, Years ago the electrode would burn up and open the gap but now days I don't even see that. I have a chipper shredder that's at least 30 years old and a wood splitter that's got to be 25 years old and still running the original spark plug. Maybe we should be using B&S spark plugs:)
Spark plugs go bad by being fouled out or the electrode burns away or the part you adjust for the gap burns off all of which I have seen
Spark plugs go bad by being fouled out or the electrode burns away or the part you adjust for the gap burns off all of which I have seen
Yes, the electrode or ground tang used to get burned away, but I haven't seen that in years. As for fouled, once it's cleaned the plug is still good. It got fouled because of something else not right.
Thanks for all the great responses . I going to leave the Autolite 216 in for now because the tractor starts prefect if they start to fail in any wayill come back to this post with an update. Once again thanks all your great.
Good plan. They will last for decades, just like any other brand.
I stopped using Autolite not so much for fouling problems, but their finish was so bad new plugs would start rusting as soon as you put them in.

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