spin on oil filter for IH 444 gas tractor

Look at the bolt in the linked conversion kit which they are selling for a WIDE range of engines (Combines: 105, 122, 140, 203, 62, 64, 76, 91, 93. Fits IH Industrial: 2404, 2444, 2504, Crawlers: 500, 500C, T340, T340A, T4, T4B, T5, T5B, T5C, Forklift: 4000, Power Units: U123, U2, U2A, UC135, UC135B, UC153, Rubber Tired Loaders: 3514, H30F, H30R, H50. Fits Tractors: C, Super A, Super A-1, Super AV, Super AV-1, Super C, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240, 330, 340, 404, 424, 444, 504. Fits Balers: 55T, 55W, 56T, 56W, 57T, Carrier: 660, Hi-Clear Sprayers: 770, 780, Windrowers: 161, 163, 201, 210, 225, 230, 275, 375)...

it's not large enough for a "full flow" system and appears to be larger than it should be for a "bypass" system UNLESS there's a restriction in the passage or the top end is smaller.


That MAY be why there are reports of lower oil pressure when this kits are installed.


Look at the relatively TINY restriction/orifice hole on the original filter bolt.
You convinced me, looks like he can spin around the world if he wants to! :)
I poke a hole in it with a punch and get most of the oil out the side when it’s nice and warm. Works pretty slick. Cant really do that with a steel can

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