Steering System - MF 240 - What do I have?


I'm so confused on looking at these parts books. This is a 1986 version. I don't know if I have power assisted steering or hydrostatic steering. I have a hydraulic cylinder on each side of the tractor that hooks to the steering knuckles. I have a pump with a round cover. The steering wheel has a steering box with a plug that takes 90W oil.

What do I have? Is this power assisted or hydrostatic?

I'm lost because my steering linkage matches hydrostatic, but everything else matches power assisted. It looks like engineer just threw whatever on the machine. LOL.
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AGCO parts site shows at least five different books for a 240. One built in India, two British, one Turkish, and one unidentified. What is your tractor serial number? That might help narrow down which book you should be looking in.

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