still not able to start my 51 8n got fire, gas only push and smoke out exhaust. I need help!

Hello again and welcome! Tell us exactly what you have done. In your last post you asked about “timing an electronic ignition” all the replies you received from others were assuming you had a running engine. All the replies you made seemed to be in agreement with the suggestions. Maybe your knowledge of mechanics is lower and you could not determine that the replies didn’t really jive with what you were looking for. If you question a reply or need more information post that in your replies. Are you looking for information on diagnosing an electronic ignition that will not start after installation? And again tell us what you have done, was this a running tractor previously?
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Still not able to start my 51 8n got fire ,gas only pushs and smoke out exhaust . I need help!!!
Go to Facebook, search groups,join this one .....folks there will have you running in no time 😉 solid advice, knowledge, friendly replies.....


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Go to Facebook, search groups,join this one .....folks there will have you running in no time 😉 solid advice, knowledge, friendly replies.....
GL, this is the best you can do? Blatantly direct folks away from YT? We haven’t even dealt with his problem yet to suggest that you CANNOT GET “solid advice, knowledge, friendly replies”here. Maybe if this was a later oddball sub-compact machine I might agree with your suggestion. And this may not be the friendliest reply but it was somewhat provoked.
GL, this is the best you can do? Blatantly direct folks away from YT? We haven’t even dealt with his problem yet to suggest that you CANNOT GET “solid advice, knowledge, friendly replies”here. Maybe if this was a later oddball sub-compact machine I might agree with your suggestion. And this may not be the friendliest reply but it was somewhat provoked.
Well his "knowledge of mechanics is lower...." Maybe he won't fit in with this extremely knowledgeable group 😞
Still not able to start my 51 8n got fire ,gas only pushs and smoke out exhaust . I need help!!!
Some history will help figure this out. I don't know you, your tractor or what you may have done or checked, so a starting point is needed. Some history will help figure this out. Please answer these basic questions:

1. Is this a tractor you have had for a time or is it one you purchased recently?

2. If you have had it a while, did the problem just develop?

3. If you just got the tractor, was it "dead" when you got it.

4. I am guessing it has electronic ignition. Did you just install that?

5. If you just installed the electronic ignition, did you pull the distributor out of the engine to do that?

6. You say it has spark. Pull the #1 sparkplug out and place it, connected to its plug wire, near its hole in the head. Make sure the tractor is in neutral. Crank the engine over and watch to see if the plug spark occurs at the same time the #1 cylinder compression pushes out. (Be aware if there is gas/air mix in the cylinder it may pop, if the plug ignites the mix.) Do the spark and compression push happen at the same time?
Well his "knowledge of mechanics is lower...." Maybe he won't fit in with this extremely knowledgeable group 😞
Okay, apparently I wasn’t awake yet and my wording on that was off a little and came off differently than intended. From his last post wore out told him to “time it with a timing light” His reply was “Makes sense to me” Anyone familiar with a timing light knows it is used on a running engine. So right there is a bit of a discrepancy. If you really want your tractor to run I would think you would come back with a reply that asked for more clarification. Hopefully he contacted you and you sent him on the straight and narrow.
The forum shows him as viewing at 8:30 this evening and it is 10:40 now and nothing was added here. Thanks for assisting him one on one of you had the chance!
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Still not able to start my 51 8n got fire ,gas only pushs and smoke out exhaust . I need help!!!
RL 539, my apologies, sorry if I offended you in anyway. That was not my intention. My wording should have been more like. You are new here and we(I) don’t know your level of mechanical knowledge. We need more details to assist you with your problem.
Go to Facebook, search groups,join this one .....folks there will have you running in no time 😉 solid advice, knowledge, friendly replies.....
FB exists/their business model is to hoover up any data that can be gleaned from posters/members and sell it to unsavory data brokers.

If you are comfortable with that, well and good.

On the other hand, not all of as are.
Well his "knowledge of mechanics is lower...." Maybe he won't fit in with this extremely knowledgeable group 😞
that is really funny !! i look through there and shake my head at some of them idiotic posts! lots always want to post something just to post something. so many wanna be mechanic's on there is what i see. not saying is all wrong but more stupid stuff than correct info. and u say u are the moderator? well why are they posting stupid stuff ? solid advise ya right . all it takes is a b s er and boy people think he is god.

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