Stroker U moline

Hi, Im about to pull my 1949 U apart because I need more HP. I
have a GB moline crank sitting in my shop and my U already has
M5 propane heads, blocks, and pistons on it but Im having
troubles figuring out what I need to do so I can put my GB crank in.
Im definitely wanting a 120+ hp bump. Hoping someone knows
what I can do and where to find parts at to get the HP bump Im
looking for.
Know a guy that had a seven inch stroker crank in his and it pulled extremely well. 800 blocks & heads helped a lot too. Even with custom made rods he still had to machine cam lobes down enough to get clearance for the rods to go around. Theres men out there that know how to hot rod Moline engines and make em last. Just need to see how deep your pockets are. My U just cant out pull the money anymore. Good luck
I believe Welters would have the pistons you will need if wanting to continue using the M5 jugs. They are 4.81 bore piston with a higher wrist pin height to compensate for the stoke. With a 6" crank and short jugs you would need to shorten a set of 336 rods 1/2" to keep pistons at deck height on TDC otherwise. Buy the racing pistons, gain some bore size, and use 336 rods with 403 crank should make about 436 cubes I believe. If you use 283 rods you can offset grind and stoke crank to 6.25 making 454 I believe. At last that is what I put together many years ago in a 5 Star.
Know a guy that had a seven inch stroker crank in his and it pulled extremely well. 800 blocks & heads helped a lot too. Even with custom made rods he still had to machine cam lobes down enough to get clearance for the rods to go around. Theres men out there that know how to hot rod Moline engines and make em last. Just need to see how deep your pockets are. My U just cant out pull the money anymore. Good luck
Dang that’s crazy haha I totally understand. My u is starting to get out classed. Too many people throwing crazy money at these ole tractors. Hard to have fun when someone spend 10k on them haha
I believe Welters would have the pistons you will need if wanting to continue using the M5 jugs. They are 4.81 bore piston with a higher wrist pin height to compensate for the stoke. With a 6" crank and short jugs you would need to shorten a set of 336 rods 1/2" to keep pistons at deck height on TDC otherwise. Buy the racing pistons, gain some bore size, and use 336 rods with 403 crank should make about 436 cubes I believe. If you use 283 rods you can offset grind and stoke crank to 6.25 making 454 I believe. At last that is what I put together many years ago in a 5 Star.
We planned on using the g crank and sending it to get the offset grind for the longer stroke and I planned on using the u rods but the only thing I didn’t know was what pistons I could use. What are the racing pistons?? What heads did you run also were they 4232’s?
We planned on using the g crank and sending it to get the offset grind for the longer stroke and I planned on using the u rods but the only thing I didn’t know was what pistons I could use. What are the racing pistons?? What heads did you run also were they 4232’s?
The 4.81 pistons I think Welters sells. I believe they are made by Jahns or Aries who are a custom racing piston manufacturer. Jeff Gravert maybe has them also. Yes, have 4232 heads on ours makes 12.5:1 compression if I remember correctly.
The 4.81 pistons I think Welters sells. I believe they are made by Jahns or Aries who are a custom racing piston manufacturer. Jeff Gravert maybe has them also. Yes, have 4232 heads on ours makes 12.5:1 compression if I remember correctly.
Thank you! I’ll have to check them out!
There used to be a VHS tape of how to build those Moline engines. I have one stored away somewhere. I don't know if one or an updated version could be found.
There used to be a VHS tape of how to build those Moline engines. I have one stored away somewhere. I don't know if one or an updated version could be found.
Watch this video towards the end he talks about a stroker and his video of how to build them.


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