Sunday Tractor


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1930's Case tractor with Roadless full tracks. Track plates are joined with bolts and rubber blocks, not the usual track pins, this was a Roadless patent and gave the tracks a better wear characteristic, important on abrasive soils. Downside was, it was like a giant coiled spring that needed special tools to dismantle safely. I once saw the tool come off in our workshop and the track fly apart, luckily no one was in the way, one end hit the floor but the other end demolished the workbench. Case tractors of this type were waterproofed by enclosing them in a metal tank, and used by the Royal National Lifeboat Service to launch lifeboats around the British coastline,
Roadless Case
Some crawlers used steering wheels, they could actuate clutches and brakes, or just brakes with differential steering. Cletrac used steering wheels and AC did also.

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