Super 66 wagon hitch


I'm in the market for a wagon hitch and chute for my super 66. Are the new holland wagon hitches pretty universal? Or is it model specific? I don't have a parts manual for it
Parts manuals for most NH equipment (including the 66) are available from the New Holland website to view for free, so you can always take a look between models and see what part numbers match. See link below. But I probably wouldn't bother trying to search out one that will perfectly match and bolt up to a 66. It'd be hard to find, and a few hours with a welder will be able to adapt any other tongue to work. I'd find the nearest baler of any make/model that had an adjustable-length wagon tongue on it, take it off, and adapt it to work. Many of the ones you see on older balers have had this treatment. A couple hours with a welder and drill press and you could have one adapted pretty easily.

Whether you get a perfect match or half to adapt one, try and keep the wagon hitch point as in-line with the line of action pull from the tractor drawbar when the baler's tongue is swung out in field position. Pulling wagons is always a little hard on the baler's axles, because the pull line-of-action is always offset and ends up imparting a little side-load onto the bearings/axles. John Deere square balers were especially well known for shearing off axles if they had pulled a lot of wagons.

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