Super C fan hub Part 2

I have been switching email providers. I finally got it figured out. In the pictures, you can see the grease zerk. It is 180 deg. off the oil fill screw. You can also see the grease pile mixed with the oil. That bearing was very well lubricated. I would about bet that a dealer installed the zerk. The bushing in the hub is worn, but the shaft is fine. I have a new hub assembly coming along with a new water pump. You don't have to worry about lubricating the hub anymore. It comes as a complete assembly with sealed bearings in it. Just bolt it on. The other picture is per LMacks suggestion. It shows the recommended belt tension settings. To me, the 3/4" to 1" on the main belt is a lot of defection. I will set it for that and see how it goes. I can always tighten it up if needed. The water pump was done. It was hard to turn it by hand.


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Never seen zerk there , just the flathead slotted screw with o rin to seal . Operated manua explain how to properly oil .
the chart on belts tension works on our cs . If it slips I just lift it and thighen it back up.
older belts the rubber isn’t very pliable .
water pump will give that squeaky belt chirp . I switched mine out with a replacement. Check YT parts.
I would suspect the bushing wore and oil leaked so the grease fixed it for many years without buying any parts. I've seen those things done.

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