Super WD9 manuals? Parts availability

Today was a momentous day. I got back my grandfathers 56 Super WD-9 that he had back when I was a young kid. We brought it back home today, and once I make room for it back in our barn, I intend to get it running again.

Back when I was about 9 I remember my grandfather trying to get it running before he went downhill with cancer. The tractor would start and run fine on gas, but would die as soon as you would switch over to diesel. Being older, and having 15 years under by belt as a heavy duty mechanic, I think I’m up to the task of getting her running once more.

Ive done some digging today, and I found an old parts and operators manual available online, but haven’t found any service manuals. Does anybody know if there’s one kicking around online or am I going to be stuck trying find an original one still laying around. I’m mostly looking for engine repair info and from what I do know, there were other models that use the same engine.

Also, I know parts availability is pretty good for my other IH and Case models, any idea how hard it is to get parts for these old WD models?

It is most likely the rack in the injection pump is stuck. Quite common. As for engine parts. Scarce and very pricey. 1956 curious as to there serial number as that’s the last year got them.
It is most likely the rack in the injection pump is stuck. Quite common. As for engine parts. Scarce and very pricey. 1956 curious as to their serial number as that’s the last year got them.
It’s the 350 cid engine. The 600 and 650 use the same engine.
It is most likely the rack in the injection pump is stuck. Quite common. As for engine parts. Scarce and very pricey. 1956 curious as to there serial number as that’s the last year got them.
I forgot to take a picture, but the first two digits were 69. I want to say it was 6914

Is there a reason why the rack would stick on it? The tractor was in very active use at the time, didn’t sit very long between runs. Also any way to free it up if that is the case?
I forgot to take a picture, but the first two digits were 69. I want to say it was 6914

Is there a reason why the rack would stick on it? The tractor was in very active use at the time, didn’t sit very long between runs. Also any way to free it up if that is the case?
The injection pump (IIRC) is a larger output clone of the ones on MD and SMD SMTAD, 400D and 450 D. There have been recent discussions here on those with pictures! Jim
Is there a reason why the rack would stick on it?
Very, active was that a month or two back? I get the indication it has been setting for years, during that time of setting is when it happens. It is just a common issue on injection pumps that set. Particularly if some air space develops inside the pump. Moisture vapor develops in those air pockets above the fuel and settles on parts and soon things lock up. Here is one post Jim N was referring to about an Farmall MD which has the “little brother” engine to the one in your tractor. Farmall MD post Tomorrow if I have time I will look into getting you a link to a manual for the engine in your tractor.
Very, active was that a month or two back? I get the indication it has been setting for years, during that time of setting is when it happens. It is just a common issue on injection pumps that set. Particularly if some air space develops inside the pump. Moisture vapor develops in those air pockets above the fuel and settles on parts and soon things lock up. Here is one post Jim N was referring to about an Farmall MD which has the “little brother” engine to the one in your tractor. Farmall MD post Tomorrow if I have time I will look into getting you a link to a manual for the engine in your tractor.
At the time the diesel side stopped working, the tractor was in regular use. Like usually a few times a week. It’s been sitting for a very long time now but that was because of the issue
At the time the diesel side stopped working, the tractor was in regular use. Like usually a few times a week. It’s been sitting for a very long time now but that was because of the issue
The rack is probably stuck NOW, but the reason it stopped working before... who knows? Wasn't because the rack was stuck. Only way you're going to determine the cause is by digging into it.

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