Swd6 frustrated


I am working on a couple swd6 one tub frame one channel frame. I am becoming very frustrated. I have had extreme difficulty finding a head shop to repair the heads on a gas start diesel. Next issue is the radiator. This was a running tractor and radiator held water. Took the radiator in to be cleaned and looked over shop called and said it was junk and a recore is 1000. Has anyone used the radiators from eBay that are shipped from Iowa? Anyone have radiator suggestions? I’m thinking purchase one off eBay and make a jig using my old radiator to get grill mounting nuts in the correct place. I really enjoy these old tractors but starting to question sanity. My question is any good new radiator suppliers?
I would be going back to find out what he is calling junk. Since it held water before you took it in it should not be that bad and maybe he damaged it and doesn't want to stand the cost of his mistake. Like to much pressure on the core checking for leaks and blew out a tube or tubes or even had his tank eat through the core tubes , Though if that thing it might not of held up under use in parades or less likely in the field with the pounding over rough ground or vibration.
I really don’t want to argue with the guys because then I won’t get any service from them and probably ruin it for the next guy needing some help, end of the day I need a radiator. Who sells decent replacements?
I really don’t want to argue with the guys because then I won’t get any service from them and probably ruin it for the next guy needing some help, end of the day I need a radiator. Who sells decent replacements?
Who says you need to argue? Just go back and innocently ask them to show you what the problem is. Don't go in there with a chip on your shoulder.

If by "decent" you mean made in the USA and OEM quality... Nobody. There just isn't the market for it anymore. Nobody wants to spend $1000 for a radiator for a $1000 tractor, and that's what a quality made in USA radiator would cost. The cheap ones are pushing $500.

Will an M radiator fit? According to all the listings, the radiator is the same as an M. IH made a bazillion Ms. Surely you can find a good used original radiator out there. Just don't take it in to be cleaned.
Who says you need to argue? Just go back and innocently ask them to show you what the problem is. Don't go in there with a chip on your shoulder.

If by "decent" you mean made in the USA and OEM quality... Nobody. There just isn't the market for it anymore. Nobody wants to spend $1000 for a radiator for a $1000 tractor, and that's what a quality made in USA radiator would cost. The cheap ones are pushing $500.

Will an M radiator fit? According to all the listings, the radiator is the same as an M. IH made a bazillion Ms. Surely you can find a good used original radiator out there. Just don't take it in to be cleaned.
The M radiator will have a hole in it for steering, but as you indicate should fit. My 350U has a SH radiator in it with a hole. Jim
Yes I understand that a radiator from a Farmall m will also fit. I was just wondering if anyone has had good luck with a specific aftermarket supplier.

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