Swd6 steering


Good morning and happy Fathers Day to all the dads.
I am working on a swd6 tub frame tractor. The pin(tapered bolt) that connects the steering drag link to the steering box is pretty sloppy. Anyone have a decent fix or suggestions
Thank you
My wd9 has/had that same issue. A former owner simply welded the arm to the splined shaft. Probably 60 years ago. Still holding.Not an acceptable repair. but it worked and served the farmer well.
I built up the worn spots on those tapered bolts with some silicon bronze and a TIG welder. Then filed it down to match the original shape. It s worked quite well but was a bit time consuming. My WD9 steers quite well now, after also going through the steering box.
use a taperd reamer and a new pin you will be good to go just ask around for the taperd reamer some one has one and will be glad to help

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