Tires for Belarus


Any one know who manufactures front tires for my 825? They are a 13.6-20. Seems to be an odd size. Thanks
What size rears? I had an 825, and it had 9.5x20 fronts. Going from memory, I am almost positive it had 18.4x38 rears. That combo worked fine.
I think I have 15.5 X 38 rears. Wouldn't a different size in front mess with gear ratios when locked in?
going by memory, when my Dad bought the tractor new, he asked them to change the 15.5x38 tonthe 18.4. I dont think they changed fronts just rears. Dad has passed away, and I sold tractor. I do know it never had any driveline issues while he had it, nor when I had it.
Any one know who manufactures front tires for my 825? They are a 13.6-20. Seems to be an odd size. Thanks
It is an odd size, and appears to no longer be manufactured.

Looks like you can get an 11.2x20, and that will have to be good enough. There is some wiggle room on size usually. If the tires can slip some there is even more wiggle room. Just don't try to run the tractor in 4WD on hard dry pavement...
Canadian tractor parts direct says they have 10 available

Search exactly like this /////tire CTPD 300508TT

Compatible With Belarus
Product Code: CTPD 300508TT
Availability: 10 available


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    Belarus Tire & Tube (13.6x20) CTPD300508tt.png
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Any one know who manufactures front tires for my 825? They are a 13.6-20. Seems to be an odd size. Thanks
A relative of mine picked up two of these....

10.00 X 15 Tube Type Trailer Tires,14 ply​

Removed the center of his Belarus front Rim mounting Flange, trimmed to fit ID of these 10.00 X 15 Tube Type Trailer Tires,14 ply..
Removed Tire,Tube,etc, welded Belarus rim mounting flange,added several gussets........
His Belarus is used to move sawmill logs to the roll way...
A 100% solution.........



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