
I've got a TO-30 with a bad seal associated with the rear axle. Oily brakes, etc. Disassembly looks pretty straight forward except for pressing the axle out of the bearing/housing. Lance at Bundy Bears created a fixture (nicely crafted) which bolts to the housing and fits his press. I am looking for a way to do the job that doesn't require that custom fixture. Any help? Any tricks? I don't have a press, but can take the axle assembly to one at a friends.

I've got a TO-30 with a bad seal associated with the rear axle. Oily brakes, etc. Disassembly looks pretty straight forward except for pressing the axle out of the bearing/housing. Lance at Bundy Bears created a fixture (nicely crafted) which bolts to the housing and fits his press. I am looking for a way to do the job that doesn't require that custom fixture. Any help? Any tricks? I don't have a press, but can take the axle assembly to one at a friends.

Sounds like a plan to me. Start with draining transaxle fluid. Jack up supporting rear end, remove wheels. Follow manual instructions. be sure to keep the axle shims so to put back later. I did this job years ago on both axles, also had a friend who has a press. Keep us posted.

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