Tim in New York
Elderly neighbor and friend bought a TO 30 without me looking at it. He is already has remorse after I hauled it home today. He thinks the 3 pt hydraulics are not working correctly. The lift won't stay up - he can push it down with his weight on it. He keeps comparing the way it works with the old 9N he had years ago. Is there a draft control on that tractor? Does it have live hydraulics? - or will the lift drop if the clutch is pushed in. Are the hydraulics and the PTO connected? Why would the 3 pt drop like that. There does not appear to be a place for a solid drawbar to attach. Does it need a solid hitch that attaches with stabilizer bars at the lift arms up to the place the top link would connect to? I have seen those before on old Fords, I think.
Thanks for any info you can provide. He is very upset - he bought the tractor from another neighbor and the guy won't give him back his money, We all live within 1/2 mile of each other too.
Thanks for any info you can provide. He is very upset - he bought the tractor from another neighbor and the guy won't give him back his money, We all live within 1/2 mile of each other too.