TO 30 Hydraulics Questions

Elderly neighbor and friend bought a TO 30 without me looking at it. He is already has remorse after I hauled it home today. He thinks the 3 pt hydraulics are not working correctly. The lift won't stay up - he can push it down with his weight on it. He keeps comparing the way it works with the old 9N he had years ago. Is there a draft control on that tractor? Does it have live hydraulics? - or will the lift drop if the clutch is pushed in. Are the hydraulics and the PTO connected? Why would the 3 pt drop like that. There does not appear to be a place for a solid drawbar to attach. Does it need a solid hitch that attaches with stabilizer bars at the lift arms up to the place the top link would connect to? I have seen those before on old Fords, I think.

Thanks for any info you can provide. He is very upset - he bought the tractor from another neighbor and the guy won't give him back his money, We all live within 1/2 mile of each other too.


No draft control, but the 9N didn't have it either.

No live hydraulics, the PTO runs the hydraulic pump and must be engaged and turning for the hydraulics to operate. The lift should stay up with the clutch pushed in. It's normal for it to eventually settle, but should take quite a long time if the system is in good condition. All quite similar to a 9N.

The 3pt drops because there is a leak at some point in the system. Pulling a side cover and observing might give a clue as to what's wrong. Perhaps the piston needs new seals, perhaps the pressure relief valve is defective.

There are threaded holes under the differential that will accept a drawbar bracket. (9N does not have these) Our host here sells drawbars and brackets. There is also the 3pt drawbar/stabilizers commonly used, same as the 9N.

These are good tractors, superior in power and features compared to the 9N. They are 70+ years old tho and require maintenance. Sorry about your friend's remorse, but parting with his money without seeing the machine... well, you'd think he'd have learned that lesson over the course of a long life.
Thanks for the replies. He has calmed down a bit. The seller offered to give him a set of stabilizers that will make the hitch solid, so he may be fine without using the 3 pt at all. He still has tire problems though.

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