TO-30 Oil fouls #1 plug and Coolant Water Gurgles for about 5 minutes after shut off when mowing


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I have an old beat up To-30 that I use with a finish belly motor to mow about 4 acres of grass. The poor tractor was well used before I go it. I am not using much engine oil, and there is no water in it, but the #1 spark plug builds up with burnt oil near the electrodes. I have to clean the plug before each mow, and if I let it sit at idle too long, I have to clean the plug as it fouls out. There is really no smoke coming from the tail pipe.

I run straight water in the tractor. When I get done mowing about an acre of lawn, if I stop the engine, it will gurgle and bubble out the upper radiator port (looking with the cap off). It will do this for about 5 or so minutes. If I let the tractor run at idle for about 5-10 minutes, it will only gurgle for about a minute.

The tractor has alot of power and runs a 60" finish mower deck easily in 2nd gear on moderate hills.

I am thinking 1) the radiator could be plugged, 2) I have a head gasket leak, 3) the thermostat isn't opening wide. What do you think?

The oil could be worn out valve guides/seals. It gets worse when the engine idles.
Hi Ron-MI, welcome to the forum.
My first thought is, quit using straight water. Coolant isn't just antifreeze, it's also anti boil and has rust inhibitors, water pump lubricant etc. It wouldn't hurt to flush the system though.
I think you are correct about the valve guides. Could be just a seal.
Check comp. Check time- retarded = hot. Swap/ check wire + plug. Pull and test T Stat on your stove. THEN check valve clearance if not done last 90 days.
Post Script- Re Read above: Little excuse for no real coolant. May be OK in great Depression, or for a wife's rusty mini-van or Honda. Ain't helping yourself.
I have an old beat up To-30 that I use with a finish belly motor to mow about 4 acres of grass. The poor tractor was well used before I go it. I am not using much engine oil, and there is no water in it, but the #1 spark plug builds up with burnt oil near the electrodes. I have to clean the plug before each mow, and if I let it sit at idle too long, I have to clean the plug as it fouls out. There is really no smoke coming from the tail pipe.

I run straight water in the tractor. When I get done mowing about an acre of lawn, if I stop the engine, it will gurgle and bubble out the upper radiator port (looking with the cap off). It will do this for about 5 or so minutes. If I let the tractor run at idle for about 5-10 minutes, it will only gurgle for about a minute.

The tractor has alot of power and runs a 60" finish mower deck easily in 2nd gear on moderate hills.

I am thinking 1) the radiator could be plugged, 2) I have a head gasket leak, 3) the thermostat isn't opening wide. What do you think?

The oil could be worn out valve guides/seals. It gets worse when the engine idles.
Can you see through the radiator fins? You may need to clean/ blow out the fins and tubes. Not uncommon for debris to be pulled int the core and restrict air flow through the radiator.

As others posted, run 50/50 antifreeze and distilled water for coolant, the boiling point will be higher.

What pressure is your radiator cap and is it holding pressure as it should?
Well I tried to mow one last time and I could not get the engine to run well, even after replacing the plugs. A hail Mary pass, I went to rebuild the distributor but could not get all the parts and decided to replaced the distributor with a new one from Steiners. I gapped the plugs out to .030 to prevent fouling, set the timing the same way, and it started right up and ran very very well. It never overheated again, and I haven't had to replace the plugs yet. I am getting tons more power and better gas consumption.
Thanks for the update Ron. Sounds like your old distributor was the culprit all along.
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