TO 30 points?


Ordered a tune up kit for my TO 30. My old points were the 2 part type...base separate from the arm. The kit came with a 1 pc set of points...base and arm is connected. Wondered about these but the new pts did seem to fit alright and I got them adjusted. Replaced the wires, plugs, rotor, dist cap, etc. Would not start or pop. Turned it over with the dist cap off and see there was no fire at the points. Replaced them with the originals and it started right up. All I looked at was my adjustment for gap, but apparently they weren't closing at all. It's been a while since I put new pts in something but I seem to remember that the 2 styles didn't interchange back in the day. Is that correct? Did I just probably get the wrong set of pts? Or is there something I'm missing here? Thank you. Greg
My gut feal- you bought what is now considered replacement point. I have a few old tractors, and many old cars. Bottom line- new point tend to CRAP. For decades, Standard / Blue Streak, Nappa Echlin- others = good points- fair price. Now days= "try those first/ good luck!". I tend to revisit my points files. Sadly, price may not = best nowadays. When in doubt- A) file. B) Look for OLD stock of trusted names. Dust = Good!
Ordered a tune up kit for my TO 30. My old points were the 2 part type...base separate from the arm. The kit came with a 1 pc set of points...base and arm is connected. Wondered about these but the new pts did seem to fit alright and I got them adjusted. Replaced the wires, plugs, rotor, dist cap, etc. Would not start or pop. Turned it over with the dist cap off and see there was no fire at the points. Replaced them with the originals and it started right up. All I looked at was my adjustment for gap, but apparently they weren't closing at all. It's been a while since I put new pts in something but I seem to remember that the 2 styles didn't interchange back in the day. Is that correct? Did I just probably get the wrong set of pts? Or is there something I'm missing here? Thank you. Greg
Regardless of one or two pieces, when the old points were put together, did the new point set match the old set? Did they mount, tighten and adjust properly? Did you use some card stock, brown paper bag, or even a dollar bill to clean the point contact surfaces after installation?

It is hard to say if you ordered the right or wrong points. You haven't told the brand and part number you got nor posted any pictures of the old and new.
The brand is whatever Yesterday's Tractors Parts provides, just loose in the kit. And as I stated, the new set was a 1 pc set, the original was a 2 pc set...not the same. But the 1 pc set fit over the mounting pin and adjusted just fine. While it's been a few years since I've replaced a set of points I've never had to clean a new set before. I grew up on a farm and farmed myself for several years, and replaced plenty of pts then. I figured I'd try the new set first, adjusted them like I always have, but no fire.
The brand is whatever Yesterday's Tractors Parts provides, just loose in the kit. And as I stated, the new set was a 1 pc set, the original was a 2 pc set...not the same. But the 1 pc set fit over the mounting pin and adjusted just fine. While it's been a few years since I've replaced a set of points I've never had to clean a new set before. I grew up on a farm and farmed myself for several years, and replaced plenty of pts then. I figured I'd try the new set first, adjusted them like I always have, but no fire.
If they mount to the mounting holes on the distributor plate, can be adjusted to the correct point gap then they should work. Like Jim.ME said, you may need to clean any protective film off the contacts and the base.
Suggest you set the points in your tractor as you like and time. Check new points , closed , with your VOM for "really closed". If good- hold as spare. If faulty- complain to vender, file, or eat it as a "learning tool". Obviously, I meant "eat" expense....! Just 'cause they mount, as Mr. Jim points out, does not at all imply that any generic modern points has to be worth your time and trust.
I just did mine with some bluestreaks, fit and quality seemed fine, and they have the lubricating wick and copper conducting strip

TO-20 dist:points.jpg

part # DR2227P
Standard Brand (of NY?), Blue Streak line has been my go to for decades, as mentioned above, the good stuff! Good to hear they can still be found. Sad to see ignition quality components now bad-poor out of the box now when even the cheaper stuff was workable years ago. Never let your points file rust nowadays!
Ordered a tune up kit for my TO 30. My old points were the 2 part type...base separate from the arm. The kit came with a 1 pc set of points...base and arm is connected. Wondered about these but the new pts did seem to fit alright and I got them adjusted. Replaced the wires, plugs, rotor, dist cap, etc. Would not start or pop. Turned it over with the dist cap off and see there was no fire at the points. Replaced them with the originals and it started right up. All I looked at was my adjustment for gap, but apparently they weren't closing at all. It's been a while since I put new pts in something but I seem to remember that the 2 styles didn't interchange back in the day. Is that correct? Did I just probably get the wrong set of pts? Or is there something I'm missing here? Thank you. Greg
I switched over to electronic ignition on my TO30 and TO35, never had a problem since. Small investment for a good return.

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