To the "mods"...

wore out

Well-known Member
Look over at the RH side of the home page, at "profile posts".

There's an endless succession of folks that post there, asking questions, apparently thinking they are on the "message board", and (looking from here) they don't get any replies.

WHY does that posting option even exist, and if it MUST there should be a disclaimer stating that posting there simply goes into the abyss somewhere,

Or, am I not seeing what's going on there correctly?
It is simply an option for people to post questions, or whatever else they like on their own profile. It is a standard feature on all forums I frequent. It certainly gets less engagement than posting on a relevant thread, but some people prefer to use the feature that way.

Look over at the RH side of the home page, at "profile posts".

There's an endless succession of folks that post there, asking questions, apparently thinking they are on the "message board", and (looking from here) they don't get any replies.

WHY does that posting option even exist, and if it MUST there should be a disclaimer stating that posting there simply goes into the abyss somewhere,

Or, am I not seeing what's going on there correctly?

The above is a cpratt thread on the subject in March.

And below is a thread on the subject by me in Feb.

Might be prudent to add a red-letter notice at bottom of posting box like the No political stuff as to what the profile posts are and will likely never be seen if they are looking for answers.
It is simply an option for people to post questions, or whatever else they like on their own profile. It is a standard feature on all forums I frequent. It certainly gets less engagement than posting on a relevant thread, but some people prefer to use the feature that way.

So, (riddle me this) have you seen ANY "profile posts" that got an answer, or started a conversation (which I'm GUESSING is what the O.P. was looking for).
i've been managing forums for 23 years. none of the software i have run features the ability to make "profile posts," and not one single user has complained to me about their inability to do so.

ps: some of them DO have a "similar threads" option. this is, imo, another feature that serves no useful purpose. jmo. many of people contacted by that method are literally no longer alive.
many of people contacted by that method are literally no longer alive.

Threads are not here as a method of contacting anyone.

Similar threads appear in the hope of reducing multi duplicate threads on the exact same subject.

And also, some might be inclined to add their two cents to a similar thread that is on point and further enhances the content within the thread.
the purpose of a forum is to contact and converse with people. and profile posts are not threads, if we're going to get nit-picky. they are one of MANY means offered by forums for members to CONTACT each other.

THIS conversation is a thread.

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