TO30 engine block question?

Mad Farmer

Well-known Member
What are typical symptoms when block cracks on a TO30.

I had an issue with water in the oil. The oil was/looked clear/new when I got it. It had sat for years and outside last winter.

Both oil and coolant were nearly full, levels didn't change upon running it, but oil became very cloudy. Oil filter housing was a mess

TO-30 valve train dirty.jpg

There was a slight film on the surface of the coolant, I attributed that to being old coolant, I wicked all of that out with a paper towel.

The oil pan has some dents where it must have encountered some rocks in the past. I am hoping that the water was just condensation from sitting for so long, and not a possible crack. I guess I'll know when I get the rockers back on and run it after the oil change
Coolant level protection was what? 32 degrees or lower? Last winter got how cold? Condensation could be a factor and you should know what the problem is with fluids changes and run for 30 minutes. The first 21 minutes being used to reach normal operating temperature with a thermostat installed. Is it?
Coolant level protection was what? 32 degrees or lower? Last winter got how cold? Condensation could be a factor and you should know what the problem is with fluids changes and run for 30 minutes. The first 21 minutes being used to reach normal operating temperature with a thermostat installed. Is it?

Coolant was what prior owner had run in it, he owned it many years. I'd have to grab my tester to check the S.G. Tractor was not running when I got it, sat for 3-4 years. Radiator was full and and oil was clean. I'll report back when I test the coolant.

I was wondering about those who have cracked a block and how tractor acts. I've read the Continentals cracked not just from freezing, weak structurally.

I always warm up my tractors. Been plowing snow with my N in New England for 35 years now. I once slushed a radiator in a 67 Valiant, it was ~-20 oF, forgot to cover radiator. Engine was fine, it overheated from no flow.

That N has lived under an Army tarp most of it's life with me.

9n plowing snow 5 oF.jpg
To answer the cracking question, the TO30 Z129 block was basically the Z120 block but built to facilitate the larger bore for the larger pistons. With the larger size cylinder sleeve less metal was between the cylinders and was a weak point if overheated and caused cracking in the web. The repair is usually bolting across the web. Sometimes furnace welding has been done too.

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