Took a Step in the Right Direction Today

Brian G. NY

Well-known Member
As much as I hate to admit it, at 83, I find it a bit more difficult to get around anymore.
I ain't complaining mind you......I am still gettin' around......just not as well as I did a few years ago.
I found this truck step at Tractor Supply a few weeks ago for 1/2 price (20 bucks) and I thought I would
put it on my D-17 to help me get on and off it a little easier. I paid 75 cents for a three and a half foot length of 1/4 X 3 X 3 aluminum angle about 30-35 years ago and its been "in stock" ever since.
When I bought it I just knew I would find a use for it "someday". Well, today was that day.....I got to use at least a piece of it.
Having the underslung exhaust made the installation a little harder but still not too bad.

D-17 Step IV.jpg
D-17 Step III.jpg

D-17 Step II.jpg
just for safety u might want to put mesh guard or something so a person dont burn his leg. but i know us old guys wear our steel toed boots and long pants. not like the young generation in jesus sandles and shorts. lol
I think you will find you need a bit more support out the back side so the angle doesn't bend letting the step tip downward with the weight on it. A second piece of that angle bolted in behind so it makes a tube shape and welded would give it a lot more support.
As much as I hate to admit it, at 83, I find it a bit more difficult to get around anymore.
I ain't complaining mind you......I am still gettin' around......just not as well as I did a few years ago.
I found this truck step at Tractor Supply a few weeks ago for 1/2 price (20 bucks) and I thought I would
put it on my D-17 to help me get on and off it a little easier. I paid 75 cents for a three and a half foot length of 1/4 X 3 X 3 aluminum angle about 30-35 years ago and its been "in stock" ever since.
When I bought it I just knew I would find a use for it "someday". Well, today was that day.....I got to use at least a piece of it.
Having the underslung exhaust made the installation a little harder but still not too bad.

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Nice looking job of fabrication!
As much as I hate to admit it, at 83, I find it a bit more difficult to get around anymore.
I ain't complaining mind you......I am still gettin' around......just not as well as I did a few years ago.
I found this truck step at Tractor Supply a few weeks ago for 1/2 price (20 bucks) and I thought I would
put it on my D-17 to help me get on and off it a little easier. I paid 75 cents for a three and a half foot length of 1/4 X 3 X 3 aluminum angle about 30-35 years ago and its been "in stock" ever since.
When I bought it I just knew I would find a use for it "someday". Well, today was that day.....I got to use at least a piece of it.
Having the underslung exhaust made the installation a little harder but still not too bad.

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I think you will find you need a bit more support out the back side so the angle doesn't bend letting the step tip downward with the weight on it. A second piece of that angle bolted in behind so it makes a tube shape and welded would give it a lot more support.
That is a good observation and a good suggestion.
I installed two pieces of 5/16" flat steel running back along the bottom of the foot rest which seems to be enuf......I'm only 170 lbs and this seems to be OK for me.
Nicely done.

My wife occasionally carps at me about my "junk pile". I tell her that's not "junk", that's "inactive inventory".

Exactly! When you see a real good deal on metal products that you "may" need sometime you just have to buy it.
However, I do have a whole lot of "inventory" in stock.
I have saved a lot of money over the years but I'm sure my inventory is going to outlast my need for it! LOL
As much as I hate to admit it, at 83, I find it a bit more difficult to get around anymore.
I ain't complaining mind you......I am still gettin' around......just not as well as I did a few years ago.
I found this truck step at Tractor Supply a few weeks ago for 1/2 price (20 bucks) and I thought I would
put it on my D-17 to help me get on and off it a little easier. I paid 75 cents for a three and a half foot length of 1/4 X 3 X 3 aluminum angle about 30-35 years ago and its been "in stock" ever since.
When I bought it I just knew I would find a use for it "someday". Well, today was that day.....I got to use at least a piece of it.
Having the underslung exhaust made the installation a little harder but still not too bad.

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You've got a year on me. I added an extra step on my JD also. The extra 6 inches makes a lot of difference Stan

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