Tool shop carpet?


Well-known Member
Twenty years ago, I hauled in gobs of carpet squares being removed from a large insurance building makeover. They were for a "someday" project, now too late. They have stored inside and appear to be in fair to good condition although used at one time.

If anyone is interested in these FREE carpet samples, I will get to counting, measuring and try to describe the color. This is located between Cedar Rapids and Waterloo, Iowa. I would like to see them all, not just a few, removed. Let me know.
[email protected]


I have no use for them, but those carpet samples do have extensive possibilities. I once carpeted an entire living room with samples. I've also used them in a tractor cab, and with a little trimming and fitting, they make good floor mats in an old pickup truck.
There are over 700 pieces of these light blue-grey carpet tiles. They measure 18 inches square, short-nap, stored stacked so they are not warped and have a stiff backing for the glue/floor interface.

Estimating there would be 1500-1600 square feet coverage or enough to cover a 40 x 40 floor. I have never laid anything like this but expect one would lots of adhesive and a weighty roller, youthful muscle and and a lot of coffee! Leo
Special pressure sensitive adhesive is used, not your normal calf scours looking stuff. Very fine notched trowel, again not like normal glue down carpet. Never seen carpet tiles rolled, ever.
Craig listed them, gone to a good home in two days! Now... for the....sigh. Leonard]
(quoted from post at 13:25:17 01/21/23) There are over 700 pieces of these light blue-grey carpet tiles. They measure 18 inches square, short-nap, stored stacked so they are not warped and have a stiff backing for the glue/floor interface.

Estimating there would be 1500-1600 square feet coverage or enough to cover a 40 x 40 floor. I have never laid anything like this but expect one would lots of adhesive and a weighty roller, youthful muscle and and a lot of coffee! Leo

A staple gun makes quick work of it.
A staple gun makes quick work of it.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

................or do it right with the proper adhesive.

This post was edited by Scott 730 on 01/23/2023 at 09:27 am.

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