Torque for Rod Nuts


I putting a Farmall "C" engine back together and looking for torque spec on Rod bolts? One book I have said 40 for castellar nuts and 70 for another. Sees pretty tight at 40-50 FP. Cleddy
I putting a Farmall "C" engine back together and looking for torque spec on Rod bolts? One book I have said 40 for castellar nuts and 70 for another. Sees pretty tight at 40-50 FP. Cleddy
Correction - My service manual for another brand said 70 for castellar nuts and 40 for lug nuts. Lock nuts I have don't have cotter pins and are nuts that was in engine. There was no sign of problems with bearing or rods. Engine problems caused by flood or water in pistons??
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Like to see what book that is. i Didnt see that these were new bolts. So 75 years bolts going loaded up and unloaded at 1600 rpm’s is a bit of a stretch for old bolts at 70 foot pounds .
Like to see what book that is. i Didnt see that these were new bolts. So 75 years bolts going loaded up and unloaded at 1600 rpm’s is a bit of a stretch for old bolts at 70 foot pounds .
Yah its a Allis Chalmers service Manual for WD. I think it going to be 40-50 FP on mine as that seems tight enough for old bolts. Future life of tractor will be no duty to light duty. Thanks for the answers.Cleddy
Like to see what book that is. i Didnt see that these were new bolts. So 75 years bolts going loaded up and unloaded at 1600 rpm’s is a bit of a stretch for old bolts at 70 foot pounds .
As I said, 70 is two much. He will have new bolts after that, well they will be a new style “two piece!”
Had this cued up a couple of hours ago and didn’t push the Post button.
As a "sanity check" there are standard bolt torque charts out there, by size, grade and thread pitch, such as this one. Notice that even at Grade 8, a 3/8" fine thread bolt doesn't spec anywhere near 70 ft-lbs:


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