Tractor rims - where to buy?

Guys I've been maintaining and improving my tractor, MF 2210. Anyways the tires are starting to leak a touch of air due to dry rot. Anyways i looked at the rims and they are not the stock ones.

The fronts are 18in and the rear are 24in.

I need
Ag front:11.2R20
Ag rear:14.9R28
Lawn/turf front:320/70R20
Lawn/turf rear:420/70R28

Where can I buy 20in front 6 lug rims and 28in loops and center rears?

I can't find anything on the net and AGCO doesn't show any.
Bought my MF 150 rear wheels here.


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Guys I've been maintaining and improving my tractor, MF 2210. Anyways the tires are starting to leak a touch of air due to dry rot. Anyways i looked at the rims and they are not the stock ones.

The fronts are 18in and the rear are 24in.

I need
Ag front:11.2R20
Ag rear:14.9R28
Lawn/turf front:320/70R20
Lawn/turf rear:420/70R28

Where can I buy 20in front 6 lug rims and 28in loops and center rears?

I can't find anything on the net and AGCO doesn't show any.
I would say your rims and tires are stock ones. The online Massey Ferguson 2210 parts book shows 18-inch fronts and 24-inch rears as OEM options. TractorData does not always show all the tire options available. I would expect your Operator's manual would have some tire info in it.

Massey Ferguson 2210 Parts Book
My service manual only shows the sizes of 20in front and 28in rear.

That link shows each front wheel as 578 a piece...ouch.

Before I commit that, what does everything think about putting the larger size tires on the wheels I have 320/70R18 and 420/70R24?
My service manual only shows the sizes of 20in front and 28in rear.

That link shows each front wheel as 578 a piece...ouch.

Before I commit that, what does everything think about putting the larger size tires on the wheels I have 320/70R18 and 420/70R24?
If you start changing rim diameters and types to get the size tires you want, you are going to have to change centers as well which only increases your costs.
Jim, I agree and realized that.

The question I'm now wondering is can I keep my current wheels and put the larger sized tires on with the correct rim size.

In truck words can I put 35in tires in place of my 33in tires?
Jim, I agree and realized that.

The question I'm now wondering is can I keep my current wheels and put the larger sized tires on with the correct rim size.

In truck words can I put 35in tires in place of my 33in tires?
What is the width of your rims (inside of bead flange to bead flange, not the outside lips)? What are your current tire sizes, not just the diameter, but the full size on the sidewall.
650-16 front, 14,9-28 rear.
I see you are new, welcome to the forums.

6.50-16 and 14.9-28 are common tire sizes. One might guess you are looking for those sizes of tires, or are you looking for the sizes of the rims those tires fit, they are two different things.

You would be best served to start a new thread of your own, rather than confuse this thread. You should include all the related info, such as what brand and model the tractor is, rim sizes and types of rims/mounting you are looking for. If you add a general location someone might know a place near you that you should check out.
I see you are new, welcome to the forums.

6.50-16 and 14.9-28 are common tire sizes. One might guess you are looking for those sizes of tires, or are you looking for the sizes of the rims those tires fit, they are two different things.

You would be best served to start a new thread of your own, rather than confuse this thread. You should include all the related info, such as what brand and model the tractor is, rim sizes and types of rims/mounting you are looking for. If you add a general location someone might know a place near you that you should check out.
Well, actually I was answering question in this thread.

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