A while back an elderly guy brought me his rototiller to fix. It had a 7HP Kohler on it, pretty easy fix. He told me this rototiller was his only source of income besides his social security. Then he brought me his Ford truck. Not so easy. It's still not running right, and getting worse. I believe it has burnt valves, and it's not going to get better without some major work. Then he told me about another truck that had been sitting for almost 10 years. Took some doing, but it's running pretty good now. This guy is in poor health, and can't do a whole lot. He's kind-a in dire straits. He was able to get a part time job as a maintenance man for a small town, but he's not sure he is going to be able to handle it. Working on his rototiller, and 2 trucks, I have well over $500 in parts invested, not to mention hours on end. He pays me what he can, when he can, which isn't much. He just moved to a small town, buying a small house, and living alone, with his dog of course. He use to live in an apartment in the "BIG CITY" but said he just couldn't take it anymore. I don't blame him, I couldn't either. His dad was a farmer, and he bought and took over the family farm years ago. The rough time in the '80's took care of that, but he did hold onto a few things. He has 2 Allis Chalmers tractors. I don't know what model they are, or the year, or anything else. All I know is, they are orange, and they say Allis Chalmers on them. Let me say now, I know NOTHING about tractors that are over 2 feet high. This is what he has told me about them. One of them, someone put a 12 volt battery in to, and hooked up the Neg ground. I guess that pretty much fried it. I am confident I could rewire it if I had a diagram, but I know less than nothing about diesel engines, or what makes them go. The other one, he say the gear box is locked up. Again, I know nothing about such things. I don't know if these tractors have any value to them or not.Or what that value might be.
First tractor
Second tractor
He also seem s to have a variety of parts on hand for these tractors.
First tractor
Second tractor
He also seem s to have a variety of parts on hand for these tractors.