Trailer axle lock washer opinion


it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I’m about to do some trailer axle work. Single axle utility trailer 3500 pound axle the lock washer for the axle nut that I have on the trailer now is the image on the right you just been the tab up after you get the nut on I think it’s flimsy. My other Trailer has the picture on the left. There’s a lock washer that just pushes on over the nut and you can reuse it. What do you all have on your axles? After reading some of the replies, I need to clarify, there’s only one nut on both of these axles I know what you’re talking about about a jam nut, but from the factory there’s only one nut and these washers Keep that one nut from backing off. The spindle has a flat spot on it so the flat part of the washer keeps the washer from spinning on the spindle which keeps the note from spinning.


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dont see anything wrong with those. put the thick washer on, then the nut, set your preload, then install the safety lock then tighten the outside nut to spec. usually u have the safety lock with tabs that fit into the outside nut and bend them over.
What does the spindle have? Threads and a keyway, or threads and a flat? A cotter pin hole?

The point of the heavy washer with a flat is to isolate the turning of the inside bearing race from the nut. Therefore, you want the heavy washer on over the bearing, to stop the turning action (locked to the flat/keyway),then one nut tightened to lash specs, then the light lock washer on next tied into the flat or keyway, with the second (lock) nut last, and the light washer outside tabs bent up to stop a loose nut from backing all the way off, should it come loose. I don't think it's a good idea to use only one nut with just the bent tabs keeping it from backing off. Castle nuts and a cotter pin are probably just as good or better than the bent tab washer, if the pin hole is there in the spindle. steve
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What does the spindle have? Threads and a keyway, or threads and a flat? A cotter pin hole?

The point of the heavy washer with a flat is to isolate the turning of the inside bearing race from the nut. Therefore, you want the heavy washer on over the bearing, to stop the turning action (locked to the flat/keyway),then one nut tightened to lash specs, then the light lock washer on next tied into the flat or keyway, with the second nut last, and the light washer outside tabs bent up to stop a loose nut from backing all the way off, should it come loose. Castle nuts and a cotter pin are probably just as good or better than the bent tab washer, if the pin hole is there in the spindle. steve
From what I can see is them tabs are already bent to actually fit the inside nut. Which I am not too fond of as you need to move the nut either way for the washer tabs to fit the nut. Them safety washers usually hold the outside nut, not the inside nut.

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