TYM tractor made in Korea any good?


Well-known Member
This message is a reply to an archived post by Jim on July 01, 2007 at 06:03:31.
The original subject was "TYM tractor made in Korea any good?".

I bought a new TYM 450 in 2006, it lives in a barn and is washed and serviced every time its used. TYM has had to replace most of the electrical systems, radiator was defective as was the water pump, the LT200 factory installed loader was not installed properly and the transmission bell housing was cracked as a result, the forward/reverse shifter constantly fails to engage even after shop adjusted it.
All the plastic parts on the 450 are seriously damaged from UV and we simply stopped buying front clips because they last at best a year or two before the plastic breaks from lifting the hood. The headlights haze over after 1-2 years to the point of needing to replace them, all the rubber seals on steering and FWD steering shafts are bad on third replacemetns, most of the main seals in the fWD are leaking, as is the PTO seal. The LITW loader and 7600 backhoe are even worse. the back hoe we had to replace all the hoses two of the cylinders, the bucket, the main swing pinon was missing grease journals, the loader leaks even with new seals.

Sad thing is if they just spent $100 and built these correctly these would be average tractor. Warranty is non-existent. Dealers were screwed by TYM who did not pay the warrenty expenses.

SO BUYER BE WARE THESE ARE VERY POORLY DESIGNED, THEY ARE VERY EXPENSIVE TO FIX, AND SAME THINGS WILL BREAK AGAIN AND AGAIN. Compared to my CASE and Deers which are 45 years old and still running original parts.

TYM looks pretty, has nice feature set, but 3-5 years from now, you will be very unhappy. Mine only has 1455hrs on it and over $5000 worth of new parts just to keep it running. Mehendra and TYM are both total piles.

Hope this saves you from what I have experience. CASE, Deer, New Holland all make good units, you can get parts and service. Not so with TYM or Mehendra.

:unhappy :
U get the point of course.

Keep on farming!
Hi A few of those where sold round here and I was wondering what they are like. Sounds like a good job I don"t have any with my shop customers to fix.
I"m kinda surprised that with your comments you haven"t got jumped on by 50 guys that have them, saying you don"t know what your talking about as theirs are never any problem, This seems to happen round the forums here once in a while lol.
Regards Robert
While I've heard of them, I'm not familiar with TYM. After considerable research on the various brands of compact utiltiy tractors out there, I purchased a Kioti machine (South Korean). Their specs are equal to or better than the other major brands including JD, New Holland, Kubota, and Mahindra in comparable models but cost 2-6,000 less depending on brand. Reviews are very good with few owners reporting any major problems. There were some problems reported with front axle bearings on some earlier loader tractors, but this seems to have been resloved. Fit and finish and ergonomics are also very good. I've not had it long enough to know if it will perform over the long run, but so far I'm very pleased with the tractor.
This message is a reply to an archived post by Jim on July 01, 2007 at 06:03:31.
The original subject was "TYM tractor made in Korea any good?".

I bought a new TYM 450 in 2006, it lives in a barn and is washed and serviced every time its used. TYM has had to replace most of the electrical systems, radiator was defective as was the water pump, the LT200 factory installed loader was not installed properly and the transmission bell housing was cracked as a result, the forward/reverse shifter constantly fails to engage even after shop adjusted it.
All the plastic parts on the 450 are seriously damaged from UV and we simply stopped buying front clips because they last at best a year or two before the plastic breaks from lifting the hood. The headlights haze over after 1-2 years to the point of needing to replace them, all the rubber seals on steering and FWD steering shafts are bad on third replacemetns, most of the main seals in the fWD are leaking, as is the PTO seal. The LITW loader and 7600 backhoe are even worse. the back hoe we had to replace all the hoses two of the cylinders, the bucket, the main swing pinon was missing grease journals, the loader leaks even with new seals.

Sad thing is if they just spent $100 and built these correctly these would be average tractor. Warranty is non-existent. Dealers were screwed by TYM who did not pay the warrenty expenses.

SO BUYER BE WARE THESE ARE VERY POORLY DESIGNED, THEY ARE VERY EXPENSIVE TO FIX, AND SAME THINGS WILL BREAK AGAIN AND AGAIN. Compared to my CASE and Deers which are 45 years old and still running original parts.

TYM looks pretty, has nice feature set, but 3-5 years from now, you will be very unhappy. Mine only has 1455hrs on it and over $5000 worth of new parts just to keep it running. Mehendra and TYM are both total piles.

Hope this saves you from what I have experience. CASE, Deer, New Holland all make good units, you can get parts and service. Not so with TYM or Mehendra.

:unhappy :
U get the point of course.

Keep on farming!
I'm surprised it isn't out back of the barn on the iron pile, instead of stored inside after a wash job.

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