
bob p mn

My son and I were pulling into the local Deere dealers this afternoon and a guy was leaving my son says I think that was Ultradog blasting out of there in his white Chevy. I said I think you're right that did look like Jerry and the guy had on one of those welders hats like Jerry usually has on. So I give Jerry a quick call and he said he did just leave the Deere dealers, I told him I had to grab a couple lawnmower parts and would be headed across the street to the New Holland dealers if he wanted to stop in and BS for awhile, he said he better keep moving as he had alot of projects to get done while up north. Afterwards I got to thinking I hope he wasn't on some mission at the Deere dealers to trade off his beloved 3000 on some new JD compact!!!
Destroked, I'm not to worried about UD making that kind of trade, I met him years ago when I bought a Dearborn cordwood saw from him, we kept in touch and call each other to talk Ford tractors or anything else that comes up. He has helped me out numerous times with parts and stuff. I also bought that nice set of rear wheel weights from him that he & Kenny built and installed them on my 4610. I figured that this was a good way to rattle his cage a little! I am also a Ford tractor guy with around a dozen in the shed ranging from my Dad's 8N to a 7710 series II and use them all on our farm in NE Mn.
My son and I were pulling into the local Deere dealers this afternoon and a guy was leaving my son says I think that was Ultradog blasting out of there in his white Chevy. I said I think you're right that did look like Jerry and the guy had on one of those welders hats like Jerry usually has on. So I give Jerry a quick call and he said he did just leave the Deere dealers, I told him I had to grab a couple lawnmower parts and would be headed across the street to the New Holland dealers if he wanted to stop in and BS for awhile, he said he better keep moving as he had alot of projects to get done while up north. Afterwards I got to thinking I hope he wasn't on some mission at the Deere dealers to trade off his beloved 3000 on some new JD compact!!!
Yeah, I stopped in there to look at the new tractors. I asked about trading all three of my Fords in on a new one. After asking me about the models years, condition, etc the salesman concluded that for the 3 of them he would trade me even up for the one below.
That's why I was in a hurry to get outta there as I hadn't realized that Green paint was so expensive
Oh, and I bought a new chain for my Stihl...


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