Upcoming auction with Case items

This is an upcoming online auction in Stewartville Minnesota, starting January 29th.. There are 3 Case items if anyone is interested in looking or bidding. Lot #30412 1981 Case 2590 2WD, Lot #30413 2006 Case 590 Super M Extendahoe, Lot #30443 70.5"X30" Case sign

January 29th Auction

Hoping the link works since I haven't posted on this new format.

This is an upcoming online auction in Stewartville Minnesota, starting January 29th.. There are 3 Case items if anyone is interested in looking or bidding. Lot #30412 1981 Case 2590 2WD, Lot #30413 2006 Case 590 Super M Extendahoe, Lot #30443 70.5"X30" Case sign

January 29th Auction

Hoping the link works since I haven't posted on this new format.

The final bid for the 2590 was $20,500 and the sign went for $2550.

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