VAC fuel tank strap question

I replaced the fuel tank on the VAC Case I'm slowly restoring with an original that was rust free and overall great condition. I haven't put it on the tractor yet and I'm sort of brainstorming. The straps that fit over these tanks could cause rust with time, I guess. Is there any trick some of the collectors here have used to form a barrier between the strap and the tank? Or between the tank and the bars it rests on? I was thinking of using double sided tape to form a thin barrier, but I'm not sure that's much help. The tractor won't be exposed to any significant weather as it's barn stored and will continue to be, but I'd just hate to discover several years from now the tank had developed rust from the straps or the bars it sits on.

Let me know what you think or if the tank will be fine just sitting there with no barrier. I'm just trying to be as careful and meticulous as I can with this restoration. Thank you in advance
I replaced the fuel tank on the VAC Case I'm slowly restoring with an original that was rust free and overall great condition. I haven't put it on the tractor yet and I'm sort of brainstorming. The straps that fit over these tanks could cause rust with time, I guess. Is there any trick some of the collectors here have used to form a barrier between the strap and the tank? Or between the tank and the bars it rests on? I was thinking of using double sided tape to form a thin barrier, but I'm not sure that's much help. The tractor won't be exposed to any significant weather as it's barn stored and will continue to be, but I'd just hate to discover several years from now the tank had developed rust from the straps or the bars it sits on.

Let me know what you think or if the tank will be fine just sitting there with no barrier. I'm just trying to be as careful and meticulous as I can with this restoration. Thank you in advance
I just had to go look to see what I did with mine. I have a custom made aluminum tank. My straps just have a good coat of paint on them. It's been a few years, and I see nothing bad yet. Tractor never sees rain. Original rotted from the inside out. I had a parts tractor here and was bummed to find the early and late style tanks are different!
I replaced the fuel tank on the VAC Case I'm slowly restoring with an original that was rust free and overall great condition. I haven't put it on the tractor yet and I'm sort of brainstorming. The straps that fit over these tanks could cause rust with time, I guess. Is there any trick some of the collectors here have used to form a barrier between the strap and the tank? Or between the tank and the bars it rests on? I was thinking of using double sided tape to form a thin barrier, but I'm not sure that's much help. The tractor won't be exposed to any significant weather as it's barn stored and will continue to be, but I'd just hate to discover several years from now the tank had developed rust from the straps or the bars it sits on.

Let me know what you think or if the tank will be fine just sitting there with no barrier. I'm just trying to be as careful and meticulous as I can with this restoration. Thank you in advance
The original used a cotton strap between the strap and the tank. Be careful of direct contact between a steel strap and an aluminum tank as someone below mentioned.
I have used belting like from the small ratchet straps, the cheaper thinner nylon, the better. On 30 series it's needed to keep the hood from rubbing the fuel tank and front bonnet. I use 3-M spray adhesive to keep it in place.

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