Ventilated or non-ventilated Blue Streak Points

Many people have expressed a preference for Blue Streak points here. Are they referring to the ventilated or non-ventilated ones?

I have found non-ventilated Blue Streaks at $10 from several vendors, and haven't even been able to find a part # for the ventilated ones at all so I am starting to wonder if they even exist.
i've found sidemount pierced points from napa.

it's been a few years since I've bought any .. probably 09 or so. .. nope.. sept 2010 .. when i got my 950.....
The original poster did specifically state "Blue Streak," to which my reply refers.

That said, I've used both Std Ign and Echlin and been pleased with both.

i've used standard/blue and BW and echlin.. and honestly. among their premium line. I can tell no operational difference. I think all are quality points.

I was thinking the poster was simply asking about the HD vented poitns in general and using blue strak as a possibility as they are mentioned alot.

my mistake.
I should have mentioned, I am looking for front mount points.

I still would be interested in hearing any thoughts on the ventilated or non-ventilated question.
it does nelp to narrow it down.

can't help you there. last set i bought was in 04... still running them. and I'm pretty sure they were just cs35 echlin points. don't recall them being peirced either...
Just took a set out of a front mount.Couldnt adjust the gap wide enough.Looked like a plastic rub block.

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