I just bought a 47 W9 that has a stuck clutch. Clutch plate is stuck to the flywheel It can be broke loose by putting the tractor against a tree and starting it. How can you keep this from happening ? It has a hand clutch.

Thanks Howard
Pretty easy, block the clutch pedal down when not in use. If it is a Tub Chassis ypu can probably get access to it easily if cleaning or replacement is needed W/O splitting. Jim
The problem is you're just breaking the rust, not getting rid of it.

Leave the tractor sit a while again, and the rust quickly fuses back together.

You need to get in there and clean it up, then figure out a way to protect the tractor from the weather or use it more often.
Some may cringe when I say this but in this case I would
recommend a little clutch abuse. Once you have it loose put
the tractor in road gear and set the throttle wide open. Then
slowly engage the clutch until the tractor is up to road speed.
Two or three treatments like this should shine up the surfaces.
If not pulling apart will be your only option. I do wonder how
long it sets between uses and weather it is shedded or not.
(quoted from post at 18:39:49 10/07/14) Pretty easy, block the clutch pedal down when not in use. If it is a Tub Chassis ypu can probably get access to it easily if cleaning or replacement is needed W/O splitting. Jim

There is nothing easy about getting a 9 clutch out. :). Its like a puzzle!

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